Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile Dysfunction can affect men of any age and can manifest itself as one or multiple of the following symptoms: inability to achieve an erection, inability to sustain an erection, or loss of libido and sexual desire. As men age, Erectile Dysfunction becomes more prevalent; 40% of men will be experience some form of ED by age 40, 70% by the age of 70. Some men may notice instances of Erectile Dysfunction sporadically, while some may experience it with most or all sexual encounters. Untreated Erectile Dysfunction can result in loss of self-confidence, frustration, and conflict within interpersonal relationships, so it is important that patients suffering from ED seek the care of a trained medical professional.
What causes Erectile Dysfunction?
Erectile Dysfunction can be a result of endocrine, cardiovascular, or psychological conditions. Testosterone plays a pivotal role in regulating libido and health of erectile tissue in the penis, therefore; low testosterone can often result in reduced sexual desire and erectile quality. Patients suffering from metabolic disease(s), such as Diabetes, High Cholesterol, Hypertension, and Cardiovascular disease, may also experience Erectile Dysfunction as a result of damage to the blood vessels in the penis. It’s important for patients suffering from ED to seek evaluation from a trained medical professional, so that the underlying cause can be accurately diagnosed, and appropriate mode of treatment implemented.
How is Erectile Dysfunction treated?
Oral Medications: Orally delivered medications are effective treatment for patients with mild Erectile Dysfunction. These medications help vascular health in the penis by supporting nitric oxide delivery, resulting of dilation of blood vessels in the urogenital region. Use of oral medications will assist in achieving or maintaining a fuller, firmer erections for patients during periods of sexual arousal. The most commonly prescribed medications include Tadalafil (Generic for Cialis) and Sildenafil (Generic for Viagra).
Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy: Shockwave therapy is an excellent treatment option for patients suffering from ED as a result of cardiovascular disease. Shockwave therapy utilizes high frequency sounds waves to help breakdown plaque accumulation in the blood vessels of the penis, resulting in improved functional capacity of the blood vessels, increased blood flow, and return of erectile quality. Most patients experience benefit in as little as 6 sessions.
PRP or Allograft Enhancement Shot: This male enhancement procedure involves series on small, localized injections in the corpus cavernosum and head of the penis. The procedure can be performed with PRP, utilizing natural extracted Growth Factors from a patient’s blood, or with an umbilical allograft. The procedure stimulates rejuvenation of previously damaged or deteriorated endothelial cells in the blood vessels of the penis, helping return appropriate blood flow to the penis and improve erectile quality. Patients who undergo this procedure may also experience additional benefits, including increased penile length, increased penile thickness and diameter, and improved sensation with sexual stimulation. It can be done as monotherapy or couple with additional modalities of treatment to optimize efficacy.
Penile Vacuum Therapy: Medical penile vacuums, commonly known as penis pumps, can be used in monotherapy or in conjunction with other modes of therapy. Vacuum therapy utilizes a cylindrical tube placed over the patient’s penis, with gradual air withdrawal via a hand operated pump connected to the cylinder. Use of a medical grade penis vacuum helps improve blood flow directly to the tissues of the penis and can improve vascular elasticity. Patients can experience improved erectile fullness and firmness and gradual improvement in overall penile size with continued use. Vacuum therapy can be performed at home by the patient after instructions for therapy are reviewed with a trained medical professional.
At Buckeye Physical Medicine & Rehab, we understand Erectile Dysfunction can dramatically impact the quality of life for our patients. All consultations are performed discretely in a private setting. Each ED patient undergoes a detailed medical exam with our Medical Director and comprehensive metabolic and endocrine bloodwork, so that the appropriate treatment regimen can be developed to address the underlying cause of Erectile Dysfunction. All procedures and treatments are performed in office by our highly trained and licensed medical professionals.
State of the art treatments. Life changing results.
“After privately struggling with ED for years, I finally decided to make an appointment to talk to a doctor. The staff at Buckeye was extremely helpful, knowledgeable and professional. I’ve been very successful with treatment so far. It’s definitely brought a spark back into my marriage.”
-Anonymous, Galloway OH
Struggling with Erectile Dysfunction? We’re here to help! Click the link the below to request a free consultation.